Troubleshooting Note Separators

All of the note separators are in the Normal style, so any modifications you have applied to Normal style will also apply to the separators. The most common problems are indented separators (because a first-line indent has been added to Normal) or unwanted extra spacing (because Normal has been formatted as double-spaced, or Spacing Above/Below has been added). Sometimes, in the course of editing a separator, a user may have pressed Enter and added an empty paragraph below the separator.
The procedure for correcting a faulty separator is the same as for editing one. Open the appropriate notes pane, choose the appropriate separator in the dropdown list, and examine it for problems. Be sure thatnonprinting characters are displayed so that you can see any extra empty paragraphs that may have been added above or below the separator. Right-click and choose Paragraph and make sure that there are no indents and that line spacing is set to Single. If you have changed the font of Normal, you’ll also need to right-click and choose Font and reset the font to the Word factory default (which may be 10- or 12-point Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri).
Note: The separators don’t have to be in Normal style; you can apply any other style you prefer or create a custom one just for separators.

Modifying the Footnote Text style

Above I refer to formatting the Footnote Text style as “Keep lines together.” If you have never modified a style, see Word MVP Shauna Kelly’s article on “How to modify a style in Word.”
From there, in any version of Word, you will click on Format | Paragraph | Line and Page Breaks and check the box for “Keep lines together,” then OK twice to exit the dialogs. Use this same procedure to make any other desired changes to the style, such as changing the font or font size or adding a first-line indent or Spacing After.
Obviously, none of the above is difficult. What can be difficult is forcing Word to actually display the Footnote Text style so that you can select it.
  • This is not a problem in Word 2007 and above; there, if you click Options… and select “All styles” as the styles to show, Word does actually display all styles.
  • In Word 2000 and earlier, the Format | Style dialog can also be easily configured to display the complete list.
  • In Word 2002 and 2003, however, Show: All styles doesn’t really display all the styles, and Footnote Text is one of those that is missing (even if it is in use). Fortunately, Shauna Kelly also describes how to display or access the elusive styles.

How To Make A Footnote Two Columns In Microsoft Word For Mac 2019

With any luck, however, you won't have to do any of the above. With the insertion point in a footnote, right-click and choose Style from the context menu. This will open the Style dialog with the Footnote Text style selected. Click Modify... and make the desired changes to paragraph or font formatting. IfStyle does not appear on the context menu, then you'll have to use the methods above.

How To Make A Footnote Two Columns In Microsoft Word For Mac Os

This article copyright © 2009, 2010, 2011, 2014 by Suzanne S. Barnhill.